Hold the wilderness in the palm of your hand.

Star of the Caribbean are rare stones and shells from the islands. A gem-quality stone, mined in the rugged and starkly beautiful Caribbean wilderness the jewelry represents the spirit of the people who call the Caribbean home. This beautiful jewelry reflects its lineage, formed authentically, and earned the name Star of the Caribbean™.

Star of the Caribbean jewelry is handcrafted in the United States of America by an acclaimed jewelry manufacturer. All pieces of stone and shell are hand-cut to fit the jewelry design, then properly shined using six different jewelry polishing wheels. Because each stone and shell is found in nature, each piece of jewelry is one of a kind, with slight variations in veining.

Star of the Caribbean jewelry comes with a five-year warranty except for the included chains. The *A* stamp on each piece is an assurance of its authenticity. Every Star of the Caribbean piece comes with a certificate of authenticity/registration listing the customer name, exclusive retailer, item number, and date of purchase.




350 Broadway
Skagway, AK 99840

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April–Sept 9am -7pm

Shop for our products with Voyij, a trusted Alaskan company.


  • Each Star of the Caribbean piece of jewelry is hand-crafted in the United States using the highest quality material. The art of inlay is labor intensive, requiring experienced jewelers.

  • Platinum Sterling is a combination of 3.5% or more pure Platinum and .999 sterling silver. The process is trademarked and protected. We use platinum for the additional hardness and whiteness of the metal. Platinum sterling is 6x more tarnish-resistant than regular silver jewelry.

  • Star of the Caribbean is inlaid for durability. It is a durable gemstone and backed by a 5-year warranty against breakage for ANY reason and can be worn daily. Precautions should be made as with any other jewelry products.

  • Princess Cruise Lines on Caribbean voyages.

    Lynch & Kennedy
    350 Broadway, Skagway
    (907) 983-3035